Thin Capitalisation And Debt Deduction Creation Legislation FINALISED (understanding the new law, including the final Senate amendments)

The New 2024/25 Individual Tax Rates – At what level of Taxable Income will an individual pay less tax than a corporate taxpayer?

Why every tax professional needs to understand the New Promoter Penalty Rules (PPR) from 1 July 2024

Proposed New Individual Tax Residence Rules

Applying the ATO’s finalised s100A ITAA 1936 Guidance to Trust Distributions

Understanding the 20% Boost Deduction Rules

The ALP’s proposed Public Registry of Ultimate Beneficial Ownership (PRUBO) – what are the likely practical implications for tax and other professionals?

Non-Concessional Contribution Bring Forward Rule for < 75 year old’s from 2022/23

Foreign Resident Main Residence Exemption (MRE) Removal

Vacant Land Non-Deductible Holding Costs from 1 July 2019