Thin Capitalisation And Debt Deduction Creation Legislation FINALISED (understanding the new law, including the final Senate amendments)
With the Treasury Laws Amendment (Making Multinationals Pay Their Fair Share – Integrity and Transparency) Bill 2023 being finalised and passed by both houses of Federal Parliament on 27 March 2024 there is now certainty regarding when and how Australia’s new Thin Capitalisation and Debt Deduction Creation Rules (DDC Rules) will apply to most taxpayers affected by Thin Capitalisation with effect for income years commencing from 1 July 2023 and 1 July 2024 respectively.
See our updated Tax Astute Snapshot summary to understand key practical implications arising from these complex and primarily retrospective provisions (including a summary of all final Senate Amendments and introductory practical issues for understanding and applying the new provisions). For access to more detailed training and materials (for those who are not already a Tax Astute Training client) see our Group Tax Training and Events Page.
Click here to learn more about the finalised new Thin Capitalisation and DDC Rules provisions.